Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I am back and leaving

Hello friends of the bloggy world. I am back from my holidays but my Mum n Dad got sick and had problems in heart so went thru minor operation. My mom is still in ICU as she is having some internal bleeding in stomach. I am flying tomorrow morning to India to see her. Its so difficult to be away so far. I will be back on the 26th. as of now. Pls. keep her in your thoughts.

Miss you all.


Mallika said...

hey dun u worry isha .. i will keep you in my prayers ..
if you want any help .. i m here in india ..

Piali said...

Hope you parents feel better soon! Take care and have a safe trip!

Handmade Cards by Archana said...

Sorry to know that.I had mailed you last week.Hope your mum n dad feels better now.Take care and have a safe jorney.

Dawn T said...

my goodness Isha. My thoughts are with you and your parents. Hope all goes well for them. You really are a long way away from them. Take care my friend.

Tee said...

Have a safe trip and keeping all of you in my prayers.
Take care of yourself too.