Friday, May 15, 2015

Thanks So Much!!

Hello everyone!

I have a fun mixed-media card for you today. I created this for all my wonderful friends, who were there to support me when I most needed it. When my Mom was critical after the heart attack, your support meant a lot to me....So, Thank you all so much for being there.

I am still not feeling fully creative...just keep staring at my supplies but this card just came in a jiffy.
I used these beautiful florals by Penny black and some watercolor, stencil, embossing paste...a flick here and a flick there. Some embossing onto vellum!!

Submitting this card for the challenge at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge Blog (I just love the colors in this photo. I used vellum to mimic the white flowers and the other colors are in my background :)


Dawn T said...

Just gorgeous Isha.

~amy~ said...

it's beautiful!

Celeste Goff said...

Beautiful card! You'll get your mojo back soon.

Lin said...

Isha, this is gorgeous! What a beauty!

Jamie said...

Oh my, this is gorgeous!

Lynn K said...

Beautiful card! Love the background and the embossed flowers really pop! Thanks for joining us in this month's Mixed Media Monthly Challenge.

Donna B. said...

Such a pretty card! Thanks for joining us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge.

Rachel said...

GORGEOUS isha! love the watercoloring behind the vellum flowers. stunning card. Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!