Monday, February 19, 2018

Pinkfresh Studio Technique Talk Blog Hop

Hello and welcome to the Pinkfresh Studio Technique Talk bloghop. Today, we are playing with techniques using the new release stamps. FUN!!!!

You should have come here from the talented Julia Stainton's blog.

For my card today, I used two techniques. First, stamping and embossing on vellum, then coloring it onto the back side. Second is partial die-cutting.

There is a story behind this card. Three weeks back my younger daughter had a foot operation so before they gave her anesthesia, the doctor told her to think of nice things to dream about once is asleep. Then he asked her, so what do you wanna dream about? Her reply, which totally wasn't what I was
Unicorns, rainbow and Hawaii.....Here I made a card for her using the AWESOME "Magical Unicorn stamp and the Magical Unicorn coordinating die" :)

Here are some steps on how I created this card:

I started with sponging Candied Apple, Picked Raspberry, Wild Honey, Peacock Feathers, Twisted Citron, Salty Ocean Distress Oxide inks and Wilted Violet distress ink onto the cardbase.
I then stamped and embossed the Unicorn horn onto a piece of white cardstock. Now I put the die onto it but didn't cut it fully, I left a small part uncut so the horn is still attached to my mat layer. 

I then stamped and embossed the flower onto a piece of vellum and die-cut it. I stamped the leaves using green ink and then die-cut these as well.
I then used my copic markers to color in the flowers from the back side.
Then I stamped the eyes and the sentiment onto my mat layer.
Flick some water onto the rainbow panel. Let dry. Flick gold paint onto it.
Assemble everything together.

Here is a close-up pic for you.

The next stop in the hop is super awesome Elena Roussakis blog.
Now on to the even bigger fun part of the blog hop (Apart from getting to drool over amazing new products and creations) :)

Pinkfresh Studio is generously giving away 25$ gift certificate to four lucky winners. The winners will be randomly selected and the only requirement is that you have to leave a comment on each Blog in the Hop. FUN :)!!!! 

Comments will close at 11.59pm CST on Monday February 26th 2018
Winner Announcement : Wednesday February 28th 2018

Line up:

Thanks for stopping by! Have a nice and wonderful crafty day :)


~amy~ said...

awwww...unicorns, rainbows and hawaii :)
Love your sweet card Isha!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Sweet fun, I have a kid who is all over unicorn now, thanks for sharing!

Samantha O said...

Who doesn't like to dream about unicorns. And this one is perfect. Great card!

Gopi said...

LOVING the rainbow background...gorgeous!

SD pooja said...

Truly a magical card ! I love the look of embossing on vellum but find it difficult to hide the glue/tape while adhering it to cardbase.

jeanchaneyaz said...

Saw this on Instagram and just had to pop over to read more about it. So creative!

Erum Tasneem said...

SUPER awesome

Suman Pandit said...

wow,love how that unicorn horn pops on that colorful background !!

cm said...

Hope your daughter had a speedy recovery; how sweet that she dreamed about unicorns, rainbows and Hawaii! Your card: oh my! LOVE this unicorn set and especially delighted by your showcase of eye-catching techniques: the rainbow background, partial die-cutting and vellum flowers. Someone will definitely have a magical birthday when this gem appears in their mailbox!

Karthikha said...

Wow!! What an amazing card!! Love the adorable unicorn and all those rainbow colors with a gorgeous blend!

Denise Bryant said...

What a sweet card! Love the unicorn set! Beautiful embellishment with the vellum flowers!

SugarGem said...

Such a sweet card I want the set so bad. And a sweet story behind it I love it that was all think of that every time I see this set.

Cyndi said...

Such a unique card. I love it.

Zsoka Marko said...

Love this Isha! Ive never tried partial die cutting if you can believe it! Always wanted to try but then I forget :D.
Also, I dream of Hawaii VERY often too :D

Amy Seigler said...

I Love your unicorn card! Ever since I was a young child my Mom has loved Unicorns and to hear your daughters story just makes me smile! (Hope her recovery went very well!) Thanks for sharing her story and this Wonderful card!

cghundley said...

Gorgeous Unicorn
card! Love the
colors on the
background. Hope
your daughter is
doing good.
Carla from Utah

Brandi R said...

Awwww. What a beautifully sweet card. Love the backstory, thanks for sharing. It looks to have come out perfectly. Love it ♥

Isabel Z said...

I love blog hops because they inspire me to create!!!

Unknown said...

I NEED that unicorn!!!! such a cute card!

Tracy Steinbach said...

I seen this card on IG today and what was funny the very next post was a unicorn cake with the same face! LOL What an adorable card and I think that unicorn will have to grow a pretty thick coat because it needs to live with me in Wisconsin and it'seems cold here.

Sue D said...

So pretty and magical. The rainbow of colors and sparkle are perfect.

Iris said...

Such a beautiful unicorn card.

StampinLouie said...

What a sweet card and how creative you are. I bet your daughter loved it!

Erika Crawford said...

Lol oh that’s a sweet story! Lol I just love this unicorn horn!!! Lol cute card.

Shelly said...

This is so beautiful! Love the story behind it. :)

Jennifer said...

Great design! Love the vellum flowers too - thanks!

Anila Dikay said...

The card is so vibrant n colourful... And unicorns are always special...

Gayle Bartholomew said...

Wonderful card and story. I'll bet your daughter loved the card. The vellum flowers are really beautiful.

LC Lamothe said...

Such a sweet card and story! I'm sure your daughter loves this delightful card! I hope she's doing well.

Maryam said...

I do really like e I his card.. this stamp set and die are in my top wishing list .. so excited to have them soon. Your cad is amazing I love the layers and the die cut.. so cute card.

Dawn T said...

A simply gorgeous card Isha.

Anushree Vaish said...

Uniquely Unicorn ISHa....loved it...thanks for sharing such fun techniques...ur card is bright and vibrant too...hugs

Jessica said...

Amazing card!!! These stamps were my favorites of the new release! I ordered and they should arrive today. Love your super cute card! ❤️❤️❤️

sabell said...

Spectacular card! Sweet & colorful. Simply adore it!

Lady said...

I love the use of the vellum for the flowers with the copic markers. Card is just so cute too. Thanks for sharing

Mary Holshouser said...

So fanciful and fun.
Doesn't take much to make the
face but it is great. the shiny
horn and the flower embellishments
is a wonderful idea. Love this one.
thanks for sharing.

Tracy B. said...

Awesome card!

Katia said...

I love, love your beautiful unicorn card!

Debra James said...

Ohhh my..this card is drop dead amazing and inspiring. I don’t think you could of showcased these fabulous stamps any better then you have

Tammy said...

Okay this is so fun.

Marjorie DUMONTIER said...

Wow ! Your unicorn is so beautiful !

Crazy Lady said...

Love the use of vellum.

Miriam Prantner said...

Such a fun card! Love the rainbow inking!

Annette Gordon said...

Such a creative and inspiring card! LOVE IT! It is one of those cards when you see it that you are just awed by the talent as it stands out above the rest. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Blossom said...

Absolutely amazing! I love this card! The background is so beautiful and the unicorn is so cute. Thank you for sharing.

Rita said...

Love the background! Such pretty colors. Awesome card. Thanks for sharing.

Larissa Heskett said...

SQUEAL!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Card and the BEAUTIFUL Design!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

D.Ann C said...

This is so gorgeous and sweet! For some reason the song jumped in my head... "Hawaiian rainbows... where unicorns pass by..." lol! : )

Rebecca said...

What a fun card!! Thanks for the great inspiration and to Pinkfresh Studio for the giveaway!!

Jnana said...

Loved the unicorn theme and coloring on the reverse side of vellum is a great idea! Thanks for sharing! Loved your card!

Eve N said...

Wishing your daughter a complete recovery. This is such a cute card, and the coloring on vellum gives a great look.