Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Pinkfresh Studio: Layton's Legacy Card Drive & Fundraiser Blog Hop

Hello and welcome! Today I am super honored to join Pinkfresh Studio in the Layton's Legacy Card Drive & Fundraiser Blog Hop. This is such a special hop and a wonderful cause.

It's organized by Lea Lawson, who unfortunately had to go through all the pain. You can read all about it on her blog.
But as Lea says: together we can accomplish SO much more! Plus - we are making it fun! We have a huge Card Drive blog hop going on in Layton's honor, with tons of amazing inspiration! We also have a fundraising effort, where every $5 donated gets you an entry into the prize drawing. There are over $2000 in prizes, sponsored by some of the most amazing stamping & papercrafting companies in the industry! {You can also see all the prizes HERE.}

There are lots of ways you can help! Read all the info on Lea's blog HERE.


Not only is this a fundraiser, but also a super inspiring blog hop with MANY stops along the way! As you hop along, you will see amazing cards created with a very special theme. Lea created this moodboard inspired by Layton's nursery.

Here is my take on the theme using Pinkfresh Studio stamps and dies.

My 1st card is CAS all white for a calm feel. I added some gold as an accent from the moodboard colors. I used Word series: Believe stamp set and various dies from Fleur 1 and Fleur 2 Dies. 

Foe my next card I used stamps from Playful Animal Friends 2, butterfly is from the Playful Animal Friends 1Word series: Believe and the flower from Fleur 2 stamp set.

For my last card I used the Playful Animal Friends 1Word series: BelieveFleur 2  and Always Flowers stamp sets.

Here is a link list with all of the stops along the hop! Please be sure to leave some love for the thoughtfulness & generosity that these companies, stores & designers have shown for this Card Drive & Fundraising effort. This wouldn't have been possible without them, and we are so grateful & thankful.

Have an amazing rest of your day!


Dianne said...

Such LOVELY cards. So wonderful of you to support this heartfelt drive. I can't wait to get home and start making some cards!

Purple Princess said...

Such wonderful cards!!

Nisha said...

Hi Isha, love your cards. I love the sentiments you added to each of them. They are perfect for the drive. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards. I especially love the white and gold one - so clean and crisp. Thanks for taking part in this great cause and sharing your ideas.

berokke said...

The cards are beautiful! The Postage Stamp border is really cool.

Melody W. said...

I love all your cards and the sentiments are just so wonderful ! I believe that parents who receive them can feel the love you put into them !

Gab said...

Oh wow, those are just adorable!

Dawn T said...

Fabulous cards Isha. You have done some beautiful work here on these ones.

Cindy H said...

Beautiful sentiments. Perfect for the hop. Thanks for sharing.

ljcasselman said...

Good wisdom and foresight to get through a tough time!

Patty said...

Isha I loved the uplifting comments on your wonderful cards!

Teresa Doyle said...

Well done Isha. As always your cards are fantastic and perfect for the cause.

LmichelleH said...

Wonderfully designed cards for a great cause.

Laetitia Lisa said...

Your cards made me smile, they're really sweet and heartfelt <3

Andrea Hastilow said...

Very loving, caring sentiments used in fabulous images, I love them all x

Cathy Lillie said...

Your cards are so beautiful, Isha! Thank you for being a part of this special hop and fundraiser!

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

These are all such great cards!

Lucy E. said...

Great cards-lovely sentiments!

Lea Lawson said...

These are SO cute, Isha! I received them the other day, and they are even more lovely in person!

Thank you SO much for helping me make Layton’s Legacy possible! Words can’t really express my gratitude, and just know that you are helping touch the lives of those who really need it most. ♥♥