Saturday, January 5, 2013

Season's Giving hop winner!!!

YAY!!! I have a random winner for my Seasons giving blog hop and that person is:

stampsilly71 said...

just love this 10 minute card concept...was not familiar with this before this hop. Yours came out really cute. For 2013 it's a goal of mine to make more cards but I struggle so much with keeping it simple...maybe this would help me! Thank you so much, will be looking for me great ideas on your blog! :)
Congratulations Stampsilly71!!!! Please Email me with your mailing details, so I can get your package out to you. I will wait till 8th. Jan to hear from you else I will pick another winner on the 9th.
Thank you everyone for participating in the hop. I welcome my new followers, you all have a special place in my heart and hope to keep you inspiring.

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