Friday, May 12, 2017

RG: Mother's day Frame Art

***Please click HERE for the SugarPea Designs Hop***

Hello Everyone,Mother's day is just round the corner. I created this Mixed Media frame art using the new Silver and Gold and Make Amazing Happen collection by Richard Garay. I also used some products by Fun Stampers journey. 
I love these flowers from the Make Amazing Happen and decided to color them with the FSJ Color Burst pure color pencil using the no-line coloring technique.

Here are some steps to create this:

Apply Gesso to the watercolor paper panel. 
Apply inks using the stencil.
Add some yellow color using the color splash as watercolor. Flick some silk for added texture.
Add modelling paste through the stencil and let it dry.
Stamp flowers and leaves, color using the pencil colors.
Die-cut all the elements and adhere to the frame.

Here is a close-up to see the pencil colored florals and leaves and all the texture.

Here is the full list of supplies:

Other than this I also used some Fun Stampers Journey products as well

FSJ Inks: Bubble Gum, Pineapple Smoothie, Sweet Pear
Journey Color Burst Pure Color Pencils
FSJ Color Splash: Blue Lagoon, Cosmic Grape, Pineapple Smoothie
FSJ Stencil: Ring Stacks, Star Burst Lines
White Liner Tape
Journey Gesso
Journey Modelling Paste

Have a nice day and have fun crafting!!!


Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Gorgeous Isha, lovey and uplifting in those colours. Have a lovely weekend. Tracy x

Celeste Goff said...

What a gorgeous and bright card Isha!

Shelly said...

This is beautiful, Isha!

~amy~ said...

Isha, this is stunning!

Dawn T said...

A stunner of a project. It looks amazing.

Trina P. said...

I came by for the SPD Blog Hop, but had to stay to check out this stunning floral masterpiece. You coloured them beautifully and the stencil background is so pretty. Love this!