Friday, March 3, 2023

Lawn Fawn - Baby Mobile Card

Hello everyone! Today I made this cute baby girl card using some of the new Lawn Fawn products. I bought my products from the Scraphouse shop in Switzerland :)

I love this new die "Moon and Stars Mobile" and the rainbow stencil "Corner Rainbow stencil". I also used the Stitched Rectangle die, Clouds Border die and the Quinn's ABCs dies. If you don't have the exact products, you sure can find substitute from other companies.

I started by sponging some Ranger distress oxide inks through the stencil onto white cardstock. Die-cut using the stitched rectangle die. Die-cut the mobile using a glitter card. Die-cut the small elements from white card and color using copic markers. Add some shine using clear glitter pen.

Die-cut the cloud border, adhere to the bottom of the mat layer. Die-cut the alphabets for "baby" in white and black. Adhere the black behind the white slightly off set. Adhere everything to a pink cardbase.

Thank you for dropping by and have a nice day!

1 comment:

Dawn T said...

So sweet Isha. It's very pretty.