Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Sunny Studio - Handmade With Love

Hello everyone! Today I am on Sunny Studio blog with a CAS card featuring the Baking Spirits Bright stamps and dies. The details of this artistic stamp immediately gave this idea and I am happy it came out exactly as I had imagined. 

To start with, I die-cut the images from masking paper using the coordinating dies. Adhere to a white card panel. Sponge distress inks (wilted violet, salty ocean, peacock feathers, mowed lawn, spiced marmalade and abandoned coral) to achieve rainbow effect. Flick gold and white splatters.

Remove the masks. Stamp the images using black ink. Die-cut the heart from vellum twice using the Stitched Heart 2 dies. Adhere the hearts together and adhere to the layer. Stamp the sentiment onto black cardstock using versamark ink. Sprinkle WOW! white embossing powder, heat set.

Cut the stripes and adhere to the card using 3d foam tape.  Thank you for dropping by! Have a nice day.

1 comment:

Dawn T said...

Just gorgeous Isha