Friday, September 6, 2013

Journal page and a Giveaway

Hello Everyone!! Today I'm sharing my first journal page at  Design Memory Craft.

(I have a full step-by-step tutorial on how to create the page HERE)
Playing along the challenge at Hero Arts -Stamp Your Story (I used the Painted Circle and Newspaper Background )

It is my  last post for this term at Faber-Castell. I still can't believe it and It just seems like yesterday I got an email from Naoko :) I am honored to know more about Design Memory Craft, their products, which of coarse are amazing. I met wonderful people here too :)

Now on a happy note, something fun. I would love to share some of these amazing products , which are generously sponsored by Design Memory Craft, with one of you. I am sure you will have fun with them as much as I did.

The prize package includes:
The Designing with Gelatos Kit
Mini Journal Boards
Art GRIP Aquarelles in Neutral 
the Gelatos Tool Set 
and the Stamper's Big White Pen 

For a chance to win this wonderful prize, all you have to do is:

- Be a Follower of my blog.
- Copy Paste the image onto your blog with a link toward today's post.
- Come back here and leave me the link toward your post.

I will pick a winner on 19th. September, which is my Birthday :)


Dawn T said...

stunning page Isha. Just love the colours and your stamping. I've posted your giveaway on This blog post. You have inspired me to want to CASE this one,

Lindsey said...

What a beautiful artwork, Isha! Gorgeous.

Nikki said...

I love the effects that Gelatos give to your journal would love to win these :) they are soo on my wish list I've linked you up in myside bar hugs Nikki & Bloglovin yah too

Sidelle Menon said...

Such a pretty journal page..It's so simple but the colours make it look so the candy..gelatos provide such an amazing effect..I'm a fan of it and of you know..also, I'm your new blogger..keep inspiring others with your projects..lots of love.

Vijaylaxmi Siyal said...

Wow....Happy B'day Isha in Advance....!!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway....!!posted it inot my sidebar...thanks for the chance.

Denise Bryant said...

I love your journal page and the beautiful colors! I have been wanting to try out the Gelatos! What a fabulous prize!
I'm already a follower here also!

LauraEva said...

I am always blown away by your work---it is so fabulous!!! I have been wanting to try Gelatos for so long, it's nuts! Thanks for the chance! I've been a follower for awhile now!

Susan said...

I just LOVE this piece!! beautiful use of color and such depth! Excellent job!
Thanks so much for the chance to win such a terrific prize! I am a faithful subscriber but alas I don't have a blog. I am trying to post it on facebook tho!
Thanks again!

Sue Brailey

Agata said...

I imagine that you had a blast working for FC! Your creations are wonderful! I posted about your giveaway on my blog here:
Cheers and a good weekend to you!

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful journal page, Isha! I love the vibrant colors! I have been wanting to try out the Gelatos.... thanks for the chance to win a fabulous prize!!!
I am already a follower here!

CinnamonSally said...

Hi Isha I have just found your blog via Agata and have become a follower.
Love your journal page. Thankss for the chance to win, I have added your giveaway to my sidebar.

rcwidow (Linda) said...

Saw this on the FC blog and loved it so much that I pinned it! I would love to start an art journal and this is so inspiring!

MarcyK924 said...

Oh, Isha - what an awesome first journal page! I've been collecting a few things like masks and mediums, so your giveaway would make my dream come true to own some gelatos! I adore the look and am inspired by their versality! Thanks so much for sharing! Hugs, Marcy

here's a link to my blog to show your announcement!

Kailash said...

Your work with these mediums is simply gorgeous Isha. Thanks so much for this amazing giveaway, would love to win!!
I've shared on my flickr photostream here

Lucille K said...

Wow, Isha your page is so nice; thanks so much for a chance to win the Gelatos, etc. My birthday is September 20th, another Virgo here. I am now a follower of your blog and have posted your wonderful giveaway on my blog:

Tanvi said...

Such a fabulous page.......thanks for the giveaway. Posted it on my sidebar. Thanks a lot.

stamping sue said...

became a follower and put up your give-away on my sidebar. thanks for the chance to win!
stamping sue

{VICKI} said...

I already follow your blog
(my birthday is Sept 13th)

Chark said...

I'm following as Chark.

Chark said...

And here's my blog post

Chark said...

Oh, and love your project!

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW how talented you are!! And to be designing for Faber Castell!! Amazing!
Your new follower
Have posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar to send you some traffic
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects

Dr Sonia S V said...

Have posted about your giveaway
Have posted about your giveaway on my blog post here:
to send you some traffic
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects

Maria said...

What an awesome journal page! And, a fabulous prize! Thank you so much for the chance of the wonderful products. I love gelatos! I'm just beginning to dabble in mixed media. Thank you for the inspiration!

Naina said...

wat a fab job .... had been introduced to ur beautiful work via Dr.Sonia'a post .... ur blog is awsome and this giveaway is super awsum ;)
shared your giveaway on my sidebar as well as blogged about it
here's a link about my post on your giveaway

now praying to win such a beautiful kit

Mona Pendleton said...

Not here for your give away just wanted to tell you what a beautiful project this is! Love all the fun and cheerful colors!

Kitty said...

I do not have a blog but I id sign up to follow you and I would love to win some gelatos. I have been wanting to try them. Thank you


Kavitha Vadhri said...

wonderful project with gelatos. thanks for the chance. posted the pic on my blog sidebar

lavina agarwal said...

love your project!thanks for the giveaway. Posted it on blog

CJ said...

Brilliant work Isha. Hope you had a great time working for Faber Castell.
Am your recent follower n discovered your blog while visiting a blogger friend of mine... This is a gorgeous giveaway and would love to win... Thank you for the chance.
Am happy to be a new follower and would love if u drop by my blog sometime.
Have placed a link to ur candy on my sidebar to help spread the word.. Hope that is ok..


Nandini said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nandini said...

I am your newest follower. Lovely layout. Those flowers are so funky! And thanx for the chance to win. I am already a fan of Faber Castell products and constantly raid my daughter's supplies (she is eight). It would be lovely to have the gelatos, which I have been drooling over for sometime now.

Hope you have a great birthday and a lovely year ahead.

I have posted about your giveaway at

Suman Pandit said...

This is a dream giveaway!!I have been following your work on the Faber-castell blog for long, your new follower here. Would love to work with these awesome colors, thanks for the chance. I have added the giveaway on the sidebar and also included on my blogpost.

Cindy-y said...

I've always been intrigued by gelatos..they look and sound delicious!

Deepti Stephens said...

Wow!! What a beautiful project!! Loved it. I'm your new follower and I'm loving your work! Thanks for the lovely chance to win.. :)

Sabrina said...

What beautiful journal pages!! I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar here
Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

Bhawana said...

Happy Birthday in advance Isha, Its my son's birthday as well. Posted your giveaway on my blog's side bar. Already been following you. Thanks for the chance.

Ujjwal said...

Isha, I have been following your posts on Design Memory Craft blog and they have all been so awesome.

This journal page is no different, love those triangles for flowers :)

Kiranmayee K said...

Happy Bday in adv Isha! Saw this on Faber-Castell blog. Now going through all your cards, they are all awesome :)
Posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar. Thanks for the chance

Debra Lee said...

I love this giveaway! Posted on my blog here:

Betsy said...

I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance

SIMPLESEW said... the page..

Sindhu said...

Beautiful one..Advance Happy birthday wishes..I'm a new follower.Thanks for the chance to win..Posted the giveaway in my sidebar..


♥ Alda Sartori ♥ said...

Muitas felicidades!!!

Adorei seu blog!!

Estou participando e torcendo muito...


Shylaashree said...

Beautiful colours & card isha with simple techniques,i used to wonder your works in Moxie fab and i was your follower earlier, i don't know how i got removed. added your post to my blog's sidebar, followed again now and thanks for the chance


Mervi said...

Hi Isha, I've been your follower for sometime now.
Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I'll put it in my blog's sidebar.
And to my tomorrow's post reminding about Penny Black and more Challenge - thanks for being our GD this month;-))m

KT Fit Kitty said...

Just discovered your blog - I'm your newest follower. Have found your candy and would love to win. It's on my sidebar, right-hand side.

KT Fit Kitty

Deirdre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deirdre said...

I'm a huge fan Isha - love what you create - thank you so much for the chance to win such AMAZING goodies.

Forgot to post the link on my previous comment! opppss! on my side bar