Monday, December 9, 2013

Ho-Ho-Ho-Hol-ODD-Day hop

WELCOME to our Hol-ODD-Day Hop!  ‘Tis the season for the Odd Girls to get their craft on, and whip up some fun things just in time for the holidays!   Some Odd Girl is very happy to bring you our annual…
This year, we are VERY happy to bring you some of our gift and decor ideas that we hope will inspire you as we all head into the home stretch!  Today, we HOP!  All you have to do is visit all of the blogs below and leave some love at each stop.
You should have arrived from Judy's blog – if so, you’re definitely on the right track!  :)   If not, CLICK HERE to get to the beginning ‘cuz you won’t want to miss a beat!
We had a TON of fun making our Hol-ODD-Day projects, and we hope you have fun hopping with us!  Ready? 

Here’s the hop list!
So hop around, leave your comments between now and Sunday, December 15th and we’ll have some winners to announce on Monday, the 16th
Now you’re off to Alexis’s blog!  Enjoy the hop!!

Playing along the Wednesday Challenge at Simon Says Stamp blog: Background. I created my backgrounds on both my projects. 


Jessica Strider said...

What adorable treat bags. I love that elf. And those penguins are so cute. :)

Marianne said...

Great treat bags. Those penguins are adorable!

Bastelmami-Sandra said...

Fab ideas, i find your colouring wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I had to smile when I saw these projects. The penguins are so sweet. The little girl is so happy. Great coloring and great job.

Unknown said...

These are so fun! I would love getting treats this cute!!

Unknown said...

Greeeeeaat work.. Looved them.. soo adorable those penguins.. <3 <3

Anonymous said...

love your Idea of the treat bags love how you decorated them each love the penguins
love playing along every week
I am now a follower

Sharla said...

Love your treat bags are so cute! Love the images you used!

Charity Morris-Chamberlain said...

Fab little treat bags!

thebridgeamit said...

your coloring is so gorgeous!

truddabellz said...

Awesome treat bags! Love the images and color choices! Fabulous coloring! Great job!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Thank you for the blog hop stop, Isha!

Lindsey said...

These look terrific, Isha! I love the bright colours backed by kraft on the first one, and you can never go wrong with penguins, I think. :D

chrilvian said...

yummy looks great

Ashley Newell said...

These are super cute! I love the penguins!

Lani said...

OH I love the treat bags! The penguin is one of my favorites! They look fabulous!

Shanna Shands said...

Great treat holders!

Suzanne Bier said...

Love both your treat bags! Anyone would LOVE to get such a sweet treat!

Carmen said...

What cute treat bags.

Unknown said...

very cute card and love the penguins on that treat bag...

debby4000 said...

What a wonderful projects they're are both so cute.

Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.



loulou said...

Great gift bags. Such cute images and your colouring is fantastic.

Laila B. said...

Lovely treat bags!!! And your coloring is awesome. Congrats!!!

Unknown said...

They are absolutely adorable!

Sara said...

Awesome treat bags and your coloring is fabulous!

IamUniquelyImperfect said...

Oh my goodness, these are so darn cute. Love the penguins, I would use those all the time.... tfs Patricia B

kimberly storti said...

What a great idea treat bags love them!!

Unknown said...

Awesome treat bags and love those penguins!

Unknown said...

Crazy cute treat bags!! I can't decide which I like best! *Grabs them both and runs*

(AJ) ArtJypsy said...

Love these treat bags - not just because of the candy inside - but for the cute adorable images you have adorned them with. Wonderful creations :)

Jeannean said...

Cute little wrappers! I love your seamless blending!

Aimée Dillon said...

love the cutie penguins, and the little bag. that would be perfect for a christmas party at work, treat bags :D

RiNNE said...

Very pretty!

Angie said...

Great treat bag... Love those penguins.

Angie said...

Great treat bag... Love those penguins.

Anna Sigga said...

These are too darn cute!

Katie said...

These are so adorable- I love them both!!

Dana Joy said...

Super cute treat holders.

stampinfun71 said...

Oh my, not only do I love the treat bag idea, but you chose such cute stamps. the girly with the presents is my fav. Great bright colors you picked!!!!

Unknown said...

All are cute. But those Penguins are MEGA CUTE!!