Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Season's Giving Hop Winner

Hello Everyone!!

I am so deeply touched by the response we got for the hop. I finished reading all the comments yesterday. Thank you so much for the lovely comments. I want to welcome all my new followers and hope to continue to inspire you with my work.

I asked my daughter to pick a number between 1 and 167 and she picked 118, so it's Lindsey!!! YAY! you are the winner of my giveaway. Please email me along with your shipping adress :)

Have a wonderful day!


Lindsey said...

Isha! Thank you! You already knew I was drooling over your generous prize, so I'm thrilled! :)

Shylaashree said...

Congrats Lindsey

Virginia L. said...

Congrats, Lindsey! PS: thanks for the gorgeous card that came while I was away! You are so thoughtful, Isha!