Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Magazine Special Thanks! Blog Hop

Hello and welcome for a special blog hop to thank everyone from the Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Magazine for the inspiration they provided us all. Sadly, the magazine's closing but our printed magazines and the memories  will always remain with us :) Talking about {memories}: sleepless nights before the submission, waiting for the fb parties, refreshing the page a *zillion* times to check our mail box, nervous chatting with friends, and hopefully a happy dance in the end...I sure will miss that all!
I made many good friends, thanks PC&S!! I was also excited every time I saw my magazine in the letter box...I'd walk around the house holding on to it the whole day ;)
Thank you PC&S for pushing me to my limits, to broaden my horizon and step out of my comfort zone.

You should've arrived from Danielle's blog. If you'd like to start from the beginning, there's an inklinkz on bottom.

Now to my card: It may seem inappropriate that the sentiment is "smile" but I think we can say "smile because it happened". So even though I'm sad, I'm still smiling :)

The next stop on the hop is Jen's blog. Happy hopping and wishing the PC&S team happy future!

Here's the whole list:


Piali said...

Beautiful Card!!

~amy~ said...


Anonymous said...

A stunning card, Isha!!!

Shelly said...

Awesome card, Isha!

Monika Reeck said...

and I love your technique and you have great eyes to make this card look sooo beautiful Isha
I ADORE THIS:..perfect stunning card...

Lindsey said...

I think "smile" is a very appropriate sentiment, Isha! As you said, lots of good memories. Beautiful card!

Kara said...

so pretty!!

Kim Heggins said...

Just so pretty.

Dawn T said...

simply gorgeous Isha

Michele Kovack said...

Such a cool card!!

Lynn Mercurio said...

This is truly beautiful with your fun colors and patterns along with this trendy die cut. You can't help BUT SMILE when you see such an amazing creation.

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

Super cute.

Deepti said...

This card is sooooooooo stunning :) love the ombre in blues

Virginia L. said...

I definitely will miss chatting with you over the e-mail acceptance party...Fond memories indeed! Love your sentiment and design for this card, Isha! Beautifully done!