Wednesday, October 12, 2016

SugarPea Designs Holiday Release Day 3

Hello and welcome to the final day of the SugarPea Designs Holiday Release blog hop. Each day this week, we are sharing projects using the new release.
Today we are introducing Ginger Snaps and Seasons Greetings Stamp Sets and Ginger Snaps SugarCut.

For my first card, I decided to use the sentiments from Seasons Greetings set. I like all the sentiments from this set. I did double color stamping and then stamped the wreath around it. Love that this would make some quick and nice cards.

Now I had to use the adorable gingerbread house and ginger I sponged the background and added flicks of silver ink. I stamped and embossed the images on kraft cardstock. Added a little color to the images.

We hope you’ll join us here over the next 5 days as we are sharing Sweet Peeks for the 12 NEW products that will be available for purchase starting this Friday, October 14th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store.

Here are the products we are sharing today:


Would you like to win the "Ginger Snaps" stamp set? All you need to do is leave a comment on the SPD blog. It's THAT easy! You have all week to comment! Winners during our Winter Product Release will be announced on Sunday, October 16th.

All the 12 NEW products that will be available for purchase starting this Friday, October 14th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store.
That's not ALL!!!
Visit each of the blogs on the hop and leave a sweet comment to give you an extra entry to win today's giveaway prize. Visit the SPD blog for details and for a list of participating designers. 

Isha Gupta <<<< You're Here 

Thanks for dropping by! See you tomorrow :)


Joan V said...

Beautiful cards. Oh, I love the color on the gingerbread card. Thanks for the inspiration.

Keti's Projects said...

Great cards. I love your wreath. Colours are soo pretty. Thanks for inspiration,

Debbie B said...

Great cards! Beautiful wreath! These sentiments are wonderful! Such a great blog hop and give away! Thanks for sharing!

Mary Holshouser said...

Love the wreath. the blue/green combination
is wonderful. The shading behind the house
on the second card is so pretty.
thanks for sharing two great cards.

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Wonderful cards. Your wreath is so pretty. TFS

McStamper said...

Great cards. Love the wreath.

cghundley said...

Beautiful designs
and coloring on
both cards. Love
the second card!
Carla from Utah

Unknown said...

The wreath is my favorite. I really like the way you used another set with this new one to create a completely different look. Always love to see new ways to integrate sets!

Becca Yahrling said...

I always love your beautiful cards! These are certainly
no exception! Love a beautiful wreath. And I just adore
the way you colored the gingersnap and house on the
kraft paper. Will have to try that!

Celeste Goff said...

Beautiful cards Isha!

Celeste Goff said...

Beautiful cards Isha!

ann marie said...

Your cards are wonderful.

Denise Bryant said...

Awesome cards! Love that beautiful wreath and sentiment!

Andrea Shell said...

Fabulous cards! Love theach gingerbread house and the sentiments!

Michele K. Henderson said...

I love the beautiful color in your cards! The pretty wreath, especially, is my favorite! Just gorgeous!

Teresa Doyle said...

Both cards are fantastic Isha, I am especially drawn to the gingerbread house, a beautiful background.

Patty said...

Wow, gorgeous cards.

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Gorgeous cards!

Arianna Barbara said...

Oh wow! Both your cards are too sweet and cute!!!