Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Runaway Inspired#1

Challenge inspired by Fashion...COOL... huh!!! Yes that's the new challenge blog called "Inspired By Fashion"
This is the very first inspiration photo.

 And here is my interpretation of it.

I stamped the background using the stamp blocking technique. For the sequins, since its handwork, which is not always perfect, I made the flower using perfect pearl and some faux stitching. The sentiment is stamped with yellow and then clear embossed. Love the effect.
I am also submitting this for the challenge at All sort Challenge Blog: take 2 colors- I've used grey and yellow
Thanks for dropping by.


Jennifer Rzasa said...

The perfect pearl on your card really echoes the detailing in the dress....such a great idea! I love the embossed sentiment too- the tone-on-tone look is subtle and beautiful. Thanks so much for joining us for the first Runway Inspired Challenge!

~amy~ said...

ooohhhh gorgeous!

Unknown said...

what a cool effect, so creative and unique!

Tee said...

Oh I am soooo going to CASE this!!! Love it girl..this is super super cool!!

Dawn T said...

lovely Isha. Great take on the inspiration

yyam said...

Wow! This is beautiful Isha! :)

Virginia L. said...

SO awesome, Isha!! Your interpretation is FABULOUS!

Rachel said...

very pretty! i love how you "beaded" the flower just like the pretty dress!

-rachel w k

Jay Gee said...

Lovely Isha... the 'bead' work looks fantastic :)

Elizabeth Allan said...

Isha your hand beading is gorgeous. It is the first thing I noticed!!

Emily Leiphart said...

This is amazing, Isha! All I can say is WOW, love those gold beads and faux stitching.

Fleur said...

A gorgeous card, great choice of colours.
Sorry I’m late in getting round to you this week.
Thank you so much for entering our challenge at ALLSORTS, hope you’ll join us again!
Hugz Fleur xXx

Agnieszka said...

Such a great card! Love your take on the inspiration photo! Thanks so much for taking the time to join us for the Runway Inspired Challenge!

Nona said...

Gorgeous interpretation of the challenge, Isha! The perfect pearls really makes your card pop :)

Virginia L. said...

Thank you kindly for the comment in my blog, Isha! You have been such a great friend to me! Wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!Hope you get creative over the holiday and good luck on the next call ;)