Friday, March 30, 2012


Are you all ready to start the weekend...I love friday's and since last 2 weeks were super busy (I hardly slept more than 4 hours a day) so I really want to sit and relax with hubby and

Talking about relaxing...while relaxing, I made a different kind of card...its a baby card:)

My sister is going to have her baby in April, so I decided to create a Congratulations card and the idea came from the Paper Smooches Sparks challenge inspiration photo. Love those peeks of colors on white bunnies and the pom poms. I chose to make a hanging mobile using the gently seasoned stamp set. I used tree and the birds and some hand stitching and lots of dimension foam.
I am joining Simon Says Stamp challenge : Anything Goes and The Young Crafters blog challenge (stitching). I did the stitching of the mobile threads.

My take:

Enjoy your weekend guys and have fun...see you all soon.


Ashley Newell said...

Oh that's gorgeous! I can't imagine how you wouldn't win any challenge with that!

Rachel said...

ah! i love it! you mastered this challenge fooooor surrrre

-rachel w k

Elizabeth Allan said...

Absolutely darling Isha!

Marie said...

This is just so amazingly brilliant and cute! I LOVE your idea of making the tree into a mobile, and you did such a fabulous job turning it into a pretty anf fabulous card =) Thank you so much for playing along in this SPARKS challenge!

Wee Von said...

Beautiful card! Love the mobile.

Crystalena82 said...

This is an awesome card! Great ideas and just a beautiful layout. I love the "bird mobile." Thanks for the inspiration! :)

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

LOOOOOOVE the idea of making the tree into a mobile! CLEVER! THANKS for joining in the fun and playing along with us over at the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge:)

Emily Leiphart said...

Oh my goodness, is this ever cute and clever! I love how you made a mobile from the branches!