Monday, May 5, 2014

A New Card and Some Exciting News!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!! So excited and happy to share with you all that I've joined the Lawnscaping Challenge Facebook Inspiration Team :) YAY!!! I've always loved the cute images by Lawn Fawn.
Thank you Laurel for asking me. I am so honored and excited to be part of Lawnscaping blog.

So it's time for my first Lawnscaping challenge!!
This time it's all about making your own background with stamps.

It's fun to create our own background, so for mine, I first created this beautiful shimmery watercolor background using various colors of Brilliance Pearlescent inks and Memento Luxe inks by Imagine Crafts/ Tsukineko. I then stamped over it and die cut the MOM word using Quinn's alphabet die. Then I colored it using Blue brilliance ink and layered it for added dimension. 

Finally, I embossed the sentiment onto the vellum using my white embossing powder from Tsukineko. Love this stuff :) A bit of stitching, glossy accent and sequins for the final touch.

Check out the Lawnscaping blog and our FAB Facebook page
for more info and  some amazing inspiration from the DT's!! 

This fun challenge is sponsored by
Simon Says Stamp!! yay!!! 

Simon Says Stamp Store Blinkie photo SSS_09_2103_zpsc2c6b992.gif

Off to study now! Pls. wish me luck :)


rcwidow (Linda) said...

Beautiful card! Congrats on the design team.

jenn shurkus said...

Welcome to the team!! :) I love your card! so fun!! :)

Yainea said...

Lovely card, the mix of colors is great!! I'm so happy for your amazing news!! You totally deserve it because you're really talented!!

Katy said...

LOVE the card. The blue really pops!

Carol McCready said...

Beautiful card. Congrats on making the design team.

Petti said...

Beautiful card! And congrats!

Dawn T said...

Simply gorgeous Isha. And a big congratulations on making the DT.

Marlene Bonetti said...

Congratulations on the new DT! YAY! Very nice card, love the shimmering background.
Have a good day!

~amy~ said...

Yay! Congrats Isha!!!!!
LOVE your card, it's beautiful!

Deepti said...

Congratulations !! Ur cards are so vibrant and lovely , u had to be here :) look forward to more beauties like this one :)

Lindsey said...

Congrats on your new DT, Isha, that's great! Your card is gorgeous -- what an awesome background. And forgot to say before... good luck with the studying. I'm sure you'll be fine! :)

Monika Reeck said...

Isha Congrats on being Design Team you deserved it your cards always adorable...and how about the citizenship process...hope all is smooth and you get it easy..

Lovely MOM card and love the BG you have closed my lap top and go sleep I pray for your Citizenship process that all will be good at the end...hugs