Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Hello everyone,
Today, I decided to play with the Pretty Pink Posh watercolor blog hop challenge...Total fun. I wanted to color along Kathy's 30 days coloring challenge too, I did color but can't share my cards yet!

Anyhow, if you haven't seen Kathy's challenge, click HERE for the info. It really is fun! I used watercolors today and here is my card :) I picked the colors from the Make The Day Special challenge blog. I chose blues, grey, pink and yellow board and picked my inspiration from the photo too :)


I used some Paper Smooches cute Jelly fish, created the water using Simon Says Stencil. The mat layer is cut using Winnie and Walter Katherine Cutaways. 

Supplies coming soon:


Unknown said...

I love this, I love the cute jellies and the bright 'sea', the whole thing is wonderful

Lindsey said...

Love the bright and colourful jellyfish -- and they'd be so much easier to see if you were swimming! ;) Lovely watercoloring and beautiful card, Isha.

D.Ann C said...

What a fun card!

Dunja Trautmann said...

It's a funny colorful card! Love it!


Deepti Stephens said...

Very sweet and fun card.. :)

Unknown said...

Wow, i LOVE your colours! So bright & cheery! Love it :)

Keren Baker said...

Gorgeous colours from you as usual!love those multicoloured jellies! Thanks for playing along with Make The Day Special Stamp store challenge! x

Jenny said...

ooo those bright coloured jelliyfish are fabulous...... great summery way to use the colours Isha :)
Thanks for joining in with our challenge at Make the Day Special Stamp Store
Jenny x

Kathy said...

Your card is so cute and adorable. Thank you so much for participating in The 30 Day Coloring Challenge and I hope you will be up for the next one.
Kathy/The Daily Marker