Monday, August 22, 2016

SugarPea Designs Fall Release Day 1

Its a busy day at my blog today!!

For Waffle Flower challenge post Please click HERE.
For Hero Arts Holiday Release Blog Hop, Please click HERE.

Hello and welcome to the Day 1 of the SugarPea Designs Fall Release blog hop. Each day this week, we are excited to share projects created using the new release.
Today we are introducing   Barn To Be Wild, Best of Cluck, Countryside Charm Paper Pad, Farmscape (+Coordinating Dies)

Here are my projects for today:

I love the Farmscape die and it has some fun tiny details to add too. However, for this card I simply die-cut it to create the backdrop for the adorable images from Best of Cluck stamp set.
I used the clouds from SugarCut - Whatever The Weather and the scallop die from the SugarCut - Birthday Journal Card last release.

For my 2nd. card, I used the pattern paper as my scene and then I added the images form the Barn To be Wild stamp set. Its so much fun to color in these images :)

We hope you’ll join us here over the next 5 days as we are sharing Sweet Peeks for the 12 NEW products that will be available for purchase starting this Friday, August 26th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store.

Here are the products we are sharing today:

Would you like to win the Barn To Be Wild stamp set? All you need to do is leave a comment on the SPD blog. It's THAT easy! You have all week to comment! Winners during our Fall Product Release will be announced on Sunday, August 28th.
All the 12 NEW products that will be available for purchase starting this Friday, August 26th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store.
That's not ALL!!!
Visit each of the blogs on the hop and leave a sweet comment to give you an extra entry to win today's giveaway prize. Visit the SPD blog for details and for a list of participating designers. 

Isha Gupta <<<<You're Here

Thanks for dropping by! See you tomorrow :)


Sue D said...

Love the colors of the background on the silhouette card with the chickens in the front. Great use of the patterned paper on the second scene.

Denise Bryant said...

Love these sweet scenes and your awesome coloring! The FarmScape is absolutely adorable with such cute details! Love this fun release!

asianmom07 said...

super cute!!! love it :)

Mary Holshouser said...

Love how you made some of the pieces out
of the white to match the border and then
colored the chickens. The sky is fantastic.
The missing ewe scene id darling.
thanks for sharing.

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

OMGosh I love it all, the paper goes so well with the chickens and the farm scene. Fabulous.

cghundley said...

Oh that first card
is so pretty! Love
the background and
the colors on the
second are beautiful.
Carla from Utah

Woendi Levitt said...

LOVE your backgrounds. Gorgeous cards.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh - I cannot pick a favorite amongst your cards - they are just that cute! You truly are selling me on this stamp and die set with your designs <3

Brandi R said...

Darling scenes. Love these adorable cards ♥

Unknown said...

Great background on the first card. Love the use of patterned paper on the other. Nice cards!

Unknown said...

Great use of color!

CindyRomanDaversa said...

Your cards always are amazing and inspire me!

Cynthia said...

Adorable Barnyard scenes, Isha. Great sky/silhouette with the first card!

Lisa Lara said...

Such fun and awesome cards Isha.

Arianna Barbara said...

Awww!!!! Such amazing relase!!! Your cards are really sweet and cute!

Kim A. said...

Your cards are just so sweet!

Danielle Vincent said...

Such absolutely adorable scenes you've created! Wonderful sky on the first one! Thanks so much for the fabulous inspiration. I knew the second I saw today's release that I wanted it all but as I hop along and see all this fabulous inspiration from all of you I can hardly wait until the 26th!!!

Michele K. Henderson said...

Gorgeous cards, Isha! I love your terrific blends of colors, ink, die cuts--all just WOW!

Mary-Anne V said...

What great cards. I love the sky on the first.

Dana said...

Awesome cards!! Love this farm set!!

NatQuebec said...

Beautiful cards !!!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Love your sunrise scenes. Cute cards. TFS

Sue Smith said...

Fantastic blending of the morning sky. These cards are darling and so much fun. These stamp sets are a must for every crafter :)