Monday, August 15, 2016

Waving HELLO!!!

Hello Everyone! Today is a hot summer day here so I was lacking motivation to create. I decided to clear my desk and guess what??? I found this Mermaid for You stamp set by Lawn Fawn on my table, which I haven't used till now and rest is

All I could think of was water, watercolors and my Zig Clean Color Real Brush Markers, since those were on my table :)
I really love Lawn Fawn's cute stamps and the co-ordinating dies make it real fun. And what's better than getting all these supplies here in Switzerland at SCRAPHOUSE Shop.

Thanks for dropping by!!


Dawn T said...

Super cute Isha. What a lovely card.

~amy~ said...

super adorable Isha!

Celeste Goff said...

Who would think that cleaning would lead to craftiness? LOL. Glad you found your mojo Isha...this card is fabulous!