Thursday, September 22, 2016

Acetate card with Gilded background!

Hello everyone!!! Yup, it's been long since I shared any project here. I was away last week in Phoenix to be with the wonderful peeps at Richard Garay and Fun Stamper's journey. It was such a fun learning experience. It felt like being part of a small crafty family :)

I wanted to play along the MFT Superstar Card Contest but was experiencing jetlag so wasn't able to create. I felt much better today and had to play along as I love love MFT stamps and dies, eventhough I don't have many of their products at the moment. 
So I decided to challenge myself to use the beautiful florals I have and play with them using a different technique than normal watercoloring :)
I used acetate on my card front and I did use gilding flakes for this wonderful effect. I really like the Autumn hues and hope you like it too.

Thanks for dropping by! I will add the supplies tomorrow as it's getting late here and I am glad to be able to finish in time :)

1 comment:

Ashwini Rao said...

Oh, what a stunner!! The foil + acetate must be looking awesome irl!! Love it!!