Tuesday, August 22, 2017

SugarPea Designs Fall 2017 Day2

Hello and Welcome to the Day 2 of our 2017 Fall Product Release! Check the SugarPea Designs blog HERE.
For today, I used the Made with Love Tag SugarCuts and Made with Love stamp set.
I created tiny shaker element in my card...cute!!!!.

Here are the products we are sharing today

Would you like to win the Made with Love stamp set? All you need to do is leave a comment on the SPD Blog and our designers blogs. It’s THAT easy! You have all week to comment! Winners during our Fall Product Release will be announced on August 28th.

Our team has come up with amazing inspiration for you! So grab a cuppa and join us! Visit each of our designers blogs to leave a comment for another entry to win!

Here is the hop list for you, incase you missed someone :)

Isha Gupta 

Thanks for stopping by! See you tomorrow :)


New Creations said...

Bright and beautiful with shaker cuteness!

~amy~ said...

Love your sweet shaker Isha!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Love the shaker tag. What a great idea and the colorful beads are gorgeous!

Jennifer B said...

Love the rainbow colors!

wannabcre8tive said...

Cute cards, I love the shakers.

Karthikha said...

Awesome rainbow card :) Sooo pretty with that shaker :)

Mary Holshouser said...

Love the skeins of yard.
the shaker hearts is a
great idea.
thanks for sharing a
great card.

abhoneyab said...

Great card I live the colors and design.

Sharon Sutton said...

The multicolored yarn motif , beautiful!

M DelValle said...

Nice! Very clever use of the stamp to make the background!

Sue D said...

Cute shaker card. Love the colorful yarn background.

Amy M. said...

Love your rainbow yarn! And it's a shaker card!!!

Arianna Barbara said...

Such a lovely card!!! Love the color combination!!!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Fabulous card. Thanks for the inspiration

MaggieB1983 said...

Hi Isha ~ I'm sucker for shaker cards and the bright colors you've chosen are fun. Thanks for sharing. ~HUGS~

Andrea Shell said...

I love this card! From the rainbow skeins of yarn to the cute shaker tag, it is perfect!

Dawn T said...

Very lovely Isha

Robin P said...

Awesome card. I love the rainbow background of skeins of yarn.

jintyoo7 said...

LOVELY card Isha :-)

Marjorie DUMONTIER said...

Beautiful card ! I love the beads in the shaker heart !

craftymom205 said...

Great card.

Celeste Goff said...

Fabulous card Isha! I love the little beads in the shaker tag!

Angela Walters said...

This is such a cute shaker card. I love the stamp of the skein of yarn, too!

Stacey Kowbel said...

Fantastic card! Love the yarn background!

Beverly S. said...

Colorful and pretty shaker card....NICE job with the new release stamps. YAY for fall and YAY for new releases.!

francesca said...

amazing background!

lritchie said...

Love the background and the little shaker!