Wednesday, April 24, 2019

My Favorite Things Guest: Wednesday Sketch 434

Hello crafty friends! I am so super excited and thrilled to be a guest for My Favorite Things this month!! Today is my 4rd. sketch challenge post :)

We have a lovely sketch for you. Sketches are a good starting point if you are struggle to start on a card design. Check out all the info about how you can win a 50$ gift voucher on MFT blog

For my card, I used some products from the brand new April release and combined it with one of the March release stamp. I started by creating a artsy background using distress oxide inks to the GORGEOUS "All Lined Up" background stamp. I then stamped the flowers and leaves from the Painted Petals

stamp set and fussy cut them. I stamped the centers using the same colors of distress oxide inks as the background.

I stamped and embossed the sentiment using WOW! Opaque white embossing powder to a stripe of paper and then added some distress ink to match the pink of the cardbase.

To finish, I used some Gorgeous sparkling crystals by Studio Katia.

Hope to see you play along the challenge. For more information, do check MFT blog. Thank you My Favorite Things for having me as guest this month :)

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