Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Picket Fence and WOW! Embossing Powder Collaboration Hop

Hello and welcome everyone! I am so excited to be part of this wonderful Picket Fence and WOW! Embossing Powder Collaboration blog hop. I love products of both these companies, so it's an honor to be part of this hop.

I made 2 cards today.
For my first card, I used one of my favorites Bang (Confetti Trio by Marion Emberson) and Mint Macaroon embossing powders along with the pretty Ruffled Peony Bouquet and Fabulously Perfect stamp sets. I also used Picket Fence life changing brushes, trust me they are really amazing for all those smooth blending.
I started by stamping and embossing the florals onto a white cardstock. I then sponged some peacock feathers distress ink to this panel in an ombrè. I then added a bit of Caran d'Ache white luminance pencil to parts of the image to make them pop.

I stamped the sentiment and emboss it using Bang embossing powder. This powder has silver and white specks with teal base which looks really pretty.

For my 2nd card, I used the pretty and soft Rose Glintz and Black Glint embossing powders along with Succulent Blossoms and Ruffled Peony Bouquet stamp sets. I created this abstract multi-colored white piece using my gelli plate. I then stamped and embossed the succulent images and embossed them using black glint embossing powder. I fussy cut them and adhered them to a white mat layer. 

To balance the boldness of the images, I wanted to keep the sentiment soft, so Rose Gold powder was perfect for it.

PRIZES - No Blog hop is complete without a prize! Right :)

WOW! Embossing Powders has 6 powders of your choosing along with a WOW carry case to store your powders safely in.
Picket Fence is giving away a $50 gift certificate to their store.

The Winners will be chosen at random from the comments left on THE POSTS.

To join this GIVEAWAY you must leave a comment on each blog post to have a chance at getting your hands on the prize. This hop is open internationally.

Here is the full list for the hop participants :)

WOW! Embossing Powder Blog

Picket Fence Studio Blog

Jo Herbert

Ilina Crouse

Ashlee McGregor

Susan Wymer

Karen Reategui

Ceal Pritchett

Verity Biddlecombe

Raluca Vezeteu

Angela Bode

Sidnie Knight-Des Jardins

Heather Ruwe

Erica A B Andersson

Jennifer Timko

>>>Isha Gupta<<< You're HERE

>>>Laura Sterckx<<< Next Stop

Judy Rozema

Jenny Colacicco

Rosali B.

Lisa Henke

Lydia Fiedler

Anna Wight

Jana Millen

Enjoy and have fun! Happy hopping :)


ionabunny said...

Very pretty cards. Love the Bang. Hugz

MadeByMeghanK said...

Both are GORGEOUS! I Love the teal one! Just stunning and so elegant!

Debbie Rumpza said...

So pretty! I am in love with that turquoise color.

Isabel Z said...

I love blog hops, WOW, and Picket Fence Studios because they inspire me to create--thank you!!!

C Clark said...

Great colorful cards! Inspired to get in the craft room!

mom2five said...

Both cards are stunning! Thank you for sharing

Mirella said...

Beautiful, I especially love the first card - the colours are so amazing!

Mary Holshouser said...

The cards are gorgeous.
Love the different colors
in the petals of the
second card. Fantastic.
thanks for sharing

Jill Russell said...

So gorgeous! I am amazed by the multicolored flowers!....

Jo Malicoat said...

Beautiful cards - especially partial to the monotone, so elegant and pretty!

Krystin said...

Beautiful cards! Love the gelli plate print on #2 and the metallic monochrome in #1.

Tina said...

Such beautiful cards! Loving the colors!

Deborah Smart said...

Two such beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing your amazing creations.

Artocopia said...

Beautiful cards! Especially the first one.

McStamper said...

Love your beautiful cards. The peony is awesome.

Jill said...

Very cool and interesting cards!

Dawn T said...

just beautiful Isha. Two stunning cards.

Jean said...

Such pretty cards! Thank you for the inspiration!

Karenladd said...

both cards are beautiful but I am really loving the one in blue. the blended bits in the embossing powder give a unique look that I like a lot!

Mika Giddings said...

Two very different but equally beautiful cards! X

MiamiKel said...

Your cards are fabulously perfect! Love the colors! TFS!

Kristen Snoozy said...

These are both very different from each other but both are very pretty!

Cardsbymaaike said...

Great cards, I love maccaroons and not just mint maccaroons for embossing ;-) lol

Sue D said...

Pretty cards. My fave is the first one.

Mirabelka said...

I absolutely adore the teal card. Gorgeous

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Beautiful. lovely work!!!

Kaylene Matyas said...

Very pretty cards, I especially like the teal peony card. Awesome products to work with

Stacey Kowbel said...

Fabulous cards! I love the tone on tone card!

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful cards! Love the color you used on the first card! Mint Macaroon is scrumptious!

Julika said...

Wow, so different styles!

Lori Smanski said...

Sweet I love both of your cards. They are wonderful in totally different ways. Thanks for sharing and inspiring today. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net