Saturday, August 1, 2020

WOW! Embossing Powder: Happy Birthday Card

Hello everyone. I am on WOW! Embossing Powder blog. Today is the start of our August challenge over on facebook and the theme is "Masculine". Now, I don't make masculine cards that often so this is perfect opportunity to have some masculine cards in my stack :)
The DTs have been challenged to use Blue/Green and Teal hues. WOW! has plenty to choose from so for my card I picked Sea Of Tranquility, Space Dust by Seth Apter and Oiled Slate by Jo Firth Young.

I started by die-cutting the mat layer using Heffy Doodle Metric Stitched Rectangle die. I then used a cloud stencil and brushed some mustard seed oxide ink through them to create the background.

Now, I took some translucent texture paste to my mat, added Glass Slipper and Your Carriage Awaits Sparkles to it. Mix with a palate knife and apply through the Confetti Stencil by Heidi Swapp.
Stamp the layering Balloon by Sunny Studio. I added embossing powder to the last layer. I then took the WOW! Embossing pen and added a few dots and details to the balloons. Heat set it using the dual heat tool.

Stamp the strings to the layer and adhere the balloons using 3D foam.

Stamp and emboss the sentiment.

I really like to add details using the embossing pen. Hope you got inspired and don't forget to add your creations to our facebook group.
Thank you for dropping by! Have a nice day!

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