Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hello Mousie

I have a habit of saying bye to my hubby and the kids when they go to work/school. Well we all do but I like to open the door and then go out in the fresh air for 5 minutes looking around at the other kids, garden etc. Today when I was out....I did not like the dull weather we are having, its total grey for more than a week now and I see only the dry yellow leaves around. then my friend told me...now you know the reason of our love for candles, tea candles with aroma oil in water etc.

It helps and make a huge difference...it warms my heart and so does my friends and my stamps and craft table...lol.
I love to color and esp. if the images are so sweet as these Penny Black mousies. Perfect for the challenge at Penny Black all sorts blog.
Hope you like it too.


brenda said...

What a really lovely card Isha and so beautifully coloured.

Our weather in the UK sounds very much like yours in Switzerland, but I do like your idea of candles to bring a feeling of warmth to these dull grey days.

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us at Penny Black and More and good luck with all the prizes on offer.

B x

Shirley said...

What an adorable card Isha. I love the colour combination you have used and your image is so cute.
Thank you for joining us this month at Penny Black and More and good luck in our prize draw.
We hope you will join us again next month too when we will have lots more gorgeous prizes up for grabs.


PinksyDoodles said...

This is such a beautiful card, the image is adorable and you have coloured it perfectly! It has made me smile!
Thank you for joining us at Penny Black and More this month.
Clare x

Tracy said...

Gorgeous creation, beautiful colouring thanks for joining Penny Black & More @ Allsorts challenge, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Linby said...

What a beautiful card and coloured so wonderfully.
Thanks for sharing at Penny Black & More, hope to see you again.
Lynn x