Sunday, December 16, 2012

Friends Forever

Isn't this saying perfect "Sunday means Fun-day". Well!!! I am having fun today, relaxing and catching up with the housework....n then my younger daughter has Sports. I was thinking I have to be away the whole day but then we took shifts with our neighbor, so I am home creating and my neighbor will bring my daughter back.

I wanted to play along the Paper Smooches Sparks challenge, love the sketch but somehow did not get the chance and finally today I am just in time. I have to thank Kim for it cos I just got the new stamp yesterday evening and had to play with it.

For my card, I started off with some masking, inking and stamping. I thought about all the four season's and the sentiment is perfect for the special friend I have in mind....

I used 4 stamp sets to make this card, which I will be linking below. Total fun!!!

Submitting this card for the challenge at Simon says Stamp as my favorite thing is Distress

Supplies: Cardstock: (Solar White, black) Neenah; Stamps: (We connect, Gently seasoned, sentiment sampler, Hubby and Wifey) Paper Smooches; Inks: (Shabby shutters, spun sugar, squeezed lemon, tumbled glass, rusty hinge) Ranger distress Ink, (Soft pool, bubblegum, wet cement) Hero Arts, (certainly celery) SU


Tenia Nelson said...

Super cuteness!!!

Unknown said...

So simple, pretty, and cute! I love it!

Dawn T said...

what a great take on the sketch Isha. A really lovely card.

Elizabeth Allan said...

Fabulous masking to create these stamped strips of colorful delight!

Emily Leiphart said...

Those strips are masked? Wowza! They look like pieces of paper. Amazing card, Isha!

Sarah J Moerman said...

Wow! I can't believe that's all masked! Fabulous job! Love how you showed the four seasons! Thanks for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

WOOOOOW! You've mastered masking--that's my fav technique!! LOVE the soft colors! THANKS for joining in the fun and playing along with us over at the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge!!! Hope you will join in the fun this week:)