Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I am Back!!!!

Hello my friends! I am Back from my felt so good to meet all my family and now that I am back, I am missing them all. I missed you all too when I was
So it feels like I am so out of touch with everything now. So to get back to routine slowly, I started with writing this post.

I want to wish all my crafty friends happy belated WCMD. I celebrated it with my family but I also did get the honor to celebrate it with some International friends and Cath at Paper Crafts blog. Thanks Cath for inviting me.

Here is the card I created for the Birthday Category:

Isn't she cute!!!! love this digi image, it's Big Pressie Tia by Some Odd Girls.
I do have an exciting news coming up in next post :)


~amy~ said...

Welcome Back...your card is adorable!

Lindsey said...

Great to see you again, Isha! What a sweet card, lovely colours.

Dawn T said...

Welcome back Isha... missed your delightful work. And this card is really pretty.