Thursday, June 12, 2014

Birthday Wish!!

This is my 2nd. post for the day. For my Imagine Crafts/ Tsukineko and Dreamweaver Stencil bloghop post please click HERE.

Hello everyone!! Today I am sharing my card over at Timeless twine. This month we have the color theme and a challenge. The winner gets a special gift. Check the Timeless Twine blog for the details and do play along.

06-2014 Aqua Cherry White 01

Here is how my card looks. Love this Firecracker Twine and the tiny blue sequins from Bella Creationz. I used some WPlus 9 stamps on my card.

More later!!!


Emily Leiphart said...

Gorgeous card, Isha! I love the colours!

Piali said...

Love, love, love it!!!! Gorgeous stamping and colors!

Lynn said...

what a cheerful card. TFS

Dawn T said...

Simply gorgeous Isha

Shelly said...

Simply, beautiful! Love it!

~amy~ said...

So pretty Isha! I gotta play along:)

Patti said...

Beautiful!! congrats on your "shout out" from Moxi Fab!!

Sherrie M. said...

AMAZING card....Wow.

Kara said...

so pretty!!!

Marlene Bonetti said...

Your card is so so pretty!

Lindsey said...

Such a pretty card, and a great design. And congrats on the MFW shout-out! :)

Shona Chambers said...

Absolutely stunning!! I love the colour combo (I always get scared when red is involved...). Your design is gorgeous and love the curve at the bottom with the aqua peeking through. You've inspired me to try this colour combo myself and I can totally see why you were spotted by Moxie Fab!

Bella Creationz said...

Beautiful card Isha!

Laura Williams said...

Isha, this is absolutely stunning!!! !I LOVE the colors, and I LOVE that blue rounded edge. I pinned this, and I am totally inspired! :)