Friday, June 6, 2014

It's the Little Things!!

Really it's the little things that matters a lot. Just a simple smile can make a big difference or a little gesture can give so much satisfaction:)

So today's card is for my post at Imagine Crafts/ Tsukineko. I used the clear Creative Medium in a creative way:) Check for yourself HERE.

Here is my card:

I am submitting this card for the Virginia's View challenge as it's about scraps. I used all the scraps for my focal point and also the  creative medium was applied to a scrap of paper and then cut into strips :)

Till later :)


Shelly said...

WOW! Gorgeous, Isha!!! LOVE this!

Jacqueline said...

This is gorgeous and I especially love the bird!

Lindsey said...

What a beautiful card, Isha! You made scraps look amazing! ;)

Jocelyn Olson said...

Beautiful card, Isha! I love the splatter, and the stitching is fun. The bird looks really pretty!

Cindy C. said...

Love how you put those lovely scraps together and create this gorgeous tag!!

Unknown said...

Really gorgeous Isha, love how soft it is and so full of texture and interest.

Maria said...

Lovely card! Pretty bird, great design, and wonderful color!

Tenia Nelson said...


Virginia L. said...

Beauitufl card! I love your use of scraps on this tag! Thanks so much for playing Virginia's View Challenge!

Dawn T said...

delightful Isha.