Monday, April 20, 2015

Lawnscaping Sketch challenge!

Hello Everyone! Finally, the school holidays are over. We took a small trip for a few days to Europa's a theme park in Germany and just about 2 hours drive from our home :)
Today, starts the new challenge at Lawnscaping blog and this time we have a sketch for you. Check out for the details on the blog HERE.
I turned the sketch 90 degrees to the left. So the bottom part is water waves. I used the wave stencil by Simon Says Stamp to create this. I used the whale for the circle area and that tiny heart in the bubble is my star part. The 2 rectangles on the top are represented by the Sun and the clouds :)

Hope to see you with your awesome creation at the Lawnscaping Blog :)
Since I made my own background and scene, I am linking my card to the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge.


Lin said...

Very fun card, Isha, and I love your pink whale, so fun! Thanks for playing with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

Dawn T said...

super cute Isha.

Shelly said...

ACK! So CUTE, Isha!

Samantha Mann said...

wow! adorable! LOVE that whale! and the colors are so cool!! perfect summer card!!!