Friday, February 5, 2016


Hello everyone, I recently took the new Online Card Class "Watercolor for Intermediate" By Dawn of WPlus9....AND it's simply awesome! I can't recommend it enough. There is so much to learn and Dawn is an excellent teacher and makes it look so easy. Un-fortunately we had Flu in our house, so I couldn't play along each lesson but I will soon be creating a lot :)

So here are my creations from Day 1 and Day 5. I couldn't turn them into cards but they look so pretty in real life. I can easily frame these :)

I used my circle dies for this, can you tell :)

For my 2nd. piece I used various brush strokes. I realized, I need to get some good brushes soon :)

Now Day 5 was all about expressive flowers. I just used some color here and there and it looks like Roses or Ranunculus flower...I don't know but it looks like a flower :) what do you think?

More later, hope to find my energy back soon and play :) Thanks for dropping by!

1 comment:

Dawn T said...

Gorgeous watercolours Isha. The class was awesome, very challenging. You can be very proud of these