Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sunny Studio - Welcome Baby

Hello everyone! I am on Sunny Studio blog today with a clean and simple baby card featuring the Tropical Birds stamps and dies. The birdies in this set are so versatile.

I started by die-cutting an arch using the Stitched Arch dies. Sponge peacock feathers and salvaged patina distress oxide inks. Stamp the images from the Tropical Birds stamp set, color using copic markers and die-cut using the coordinating dies.

Stamp the leaves onto vellum using versamark ink, sprinkle green embossing powder and heat set. Die-cut some white flowers and add to the branch.

Take a white card base, sponge yellow ink around where we will have the arch. Adhere the arch to a white card, adhere the images to create the scene. Die-cut the clouds from the Baby Elephants stamp set, stamp the sentiment. Add some nuvo glitter to the bottom of the clouds. Adhere to the card.

To finish, add some glitter drops to the center of the flowers.

Thank you for dropping by and have a nice day!

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