Saturday, August 14, 2010


Made this card for a new challenge blog from Simonsays... The theme is Things with wings. My Angel here has lovely shimmery wings. This is my first card for Christmas :) Now the color are inspired from this challenge at Stampaway....

Hope you enjoyed my card.


Peggy Lee said...

what a lovely card, she is soooo cute!!!!

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

How adorable is this? Love the colors and the emboss resist with the music notes. The image is totally charming! The Design Team are really pleased that you joined us for our first Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge this week. Thank you!

Lynne Forsythe said...

Oh My Word....what a DARLING card!!!

thanks bunches for playing along with the Design Teamies and Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!!!

Emily Leiphart said...

Your little angel card is adorable!

Elise said...

Your color work is absolutely GLOWING! This is fabulous use of color and YEAH, you! Christmas card craft achieved! You are ON it! Thanks for making such terrific use of these wonderful colors from Dawn's Color Cue!

AND, you've got me contemplating CHRISTMAS! tee hee