Sunday, August 22, 2010


So a bit of fresh air after 2 hectic weeks( my younger one started school), I know...I know, it should be hectic for her but it was so tiring for me mentally. Anyhow made these 2 cards for some relaxation cos next 2 weeks are busy too. I am volunteering for my village festival ;)
Now the first card is based on this sketch at SRM challenge blog. It is also perfect for the theme, Jenny's has at weeMemories....check it out
 My take
 I used some stickers given to me by my friends Kathy and Agata...thaks girls, cos of you I could participate in the challenge. I used some pps for the background, put the center cupcake on a lovely shimmery textured paper. Wrote b'day freehand to go with this lovely bold HAPPY sticker. For the cherries, used some buttens, made crochet stem n leaves, colored it with felt tip pen and assemled everything together.Did some machine stitching to give the finised look. I hope the closeup can explain my textured paper n leaves better.

My second card is also for Jenney's challenge, cos it is perfect for B'day n sweet tooth ;)

Hope you enjoyed the cards. Dont forget to leave your sweet comments:)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous cards Isha! Both are so sweet! Thanks for playing along with us at Wee Memories and good luck for my blog candy! :)

Anonymous said...

Isha these are both so sweet and cute! I love that cherry embellishment :) Thanks for playing along with us at Wee Memories :)

Michele Gross said...

2 sweet cards! love those button cherries with the crochet stems :) thanks for playing at Wee Memories :)

Court said...

Love them both! So "sweet" :). And I am LOVING that cherry card! Thanks so much for playing at Wee Memories!

Agata said...

These are really lovely! You did a great job! Hopefully your next weeks won't be that hectic!

jintyoo7 said...

Isha, glad you got to put these cards together, they're both fantastic. Can't decide which is my favourite. I absolutely love the detail on the cherry card, great job with the crocheting :o)

Laurel said...

Such sweet cards! thanks for playing at Wee Memories!