Thursday, August 12, 2010

Things to share....

Hello friends, I want to share my happiness first. My card was in top 5 at CAS-tastic :)
It just made my day. Thanks all the DTs for giving me such happiness.
Now I have in my garden these beautiful big flowers of Lily and the fragrance is just amazing.

Now onto my todays creation. I made this card for my niece. I did the green grass effect with Florish design block. Stamped, distressed, embossed and love the look of torn paper. Now these animals are from Heroarts stamp set. I really adore it. Why I used animals....well my niece(5yr) was here and we went to the Zoo. She just enjoyed all the animals there and I thought, she would remember me more 'cos we had so much fun seeing

Are'nt they cute???

Now the next card is for the August gallery challenge. I had to use Ribbon, button etc. Just stamped the image on Kraft paper, distressed the edges. Colored it with my pencil colors. Put some blings, adhered it with 3D foam to Red paper. Put some buttons, ribbon and adhered everything to a Cream Card.

Hope you like my card. Please leave your sweet reading them.


Janet Wilson said...

Isha, I love both your cards and the animal card is just plain marvelous! I have this set too but feel I have neglected it, thank you for the inspiration to get it out again. CONGRATULATIONS on your CAS-tastic win :o)

Tee said...

Congrats on being the top 5 at CAS-tastic..I loved your was just fabulous!!
And the animal card is super cute..your niece will love it..
The second card is just stunning!! What set is it?

Wendy Ramlakhan said...

WOW!! First congrats on being in the Top 5 at CAS-tastic!! It's a great card. Second, I love those Lily's they are gorgeous. And Third, that zoo card is soooo adorable. What a super cute idea with the layers.

P.S. Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog :)

Ayana Posadas said...

I saw that monkey card on the Flickr, and I absolutely LOVED it! Your creativity is so fun and adorable! Both of your cards are fabulous! :)