Friday, May 13, 2011

Missing post....

So, seems like I lost a few posts during the Blogger problem. Anyhow I want to share this card as I really like the way it turned out and it was featured on the CREATE Blog today....I am so happy.

I played with my Penny Black new stamp and used the colors from Kathy's colors at Lily Pad challenge.  This time colored it with markers and some water spray. Pls. click on the photo for better view.

I made this handmade flower using felt and 1 inch Ribbon, sentiment on Vellum. Adhered a button and some blings to finish it. TFL and pls. leave some love too. Lost all of it from the last post.


Dawn T said...

gorgeous Isha. I thought I'd lost a post or two as well... but I rebooted and restarted blogger and it came back! Congrats on making it to Create.... you really are on a roll

Barb said...

SOOOO GORGEOUS, Isha! Just love this amazing card!

Tee said...

Love love love the color combo..the blues and greens make me very happy...and seeing this card in the CARDS gallery made me even more're having a grand week!!! and I couldn't be more happier!!!

Sadilla said...

hi dear
gorgeous card, great color combo!
congrats for your lovely blog, and thanks for joining my blog candy! =)

yyam said...

Oh yes! I lost comments too! Congrats on being featured! I love the beautifully stamped background!

Lia said...

WOW! Amazing card! I love your work. Really nice colors

Would you be interested on a DT spot for my blog? I am just starting a challenge blog for my digi stamps. If yes, see the rules Lia Stampz
