Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Favorite Things Stencil review and a Happy Card!

Hello Everyone! Before I start did you check out the new online class at StampNation? It's packed with techniques and information. It is a fun class :) Check out the details HERE.

Now onto something special. Sometime back My Favorite things sent me a few of their stencils to try and see how I feel about them. Oh!! I am so excited...Thank you MFT for the honor. I tried various techniques using them. I won't be going in details here on what and how I did the techniques but I have to tell you that I love these. I like the material and how it's not too thick. It is thin yet sturdy.

I did a video to share a card and a bit more about the stencils. You can watch it HERE at my youtube channel.

Here are some of the example pieces:

I did try one more technique but photo is blurry, I will add it tomorrow.

Here is a card I created:

 Hope you like my video. I am sorry it's not perfect but I am trying to learn more about making them :)


Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW love what you did with the cross design and the embossed card is super stunning Isha
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts Kids Projects

Virginia L. said...

AWESOME!! Love your gorgeous card and video! Hope that you make more videos, Isha! ( I gave you a thumbs-up)!

Smita Satish said...

lovely cards and techniques Isha!

Dawn T said...

how lucky to be able to try out the MFT stencils. Your video is great Isha. Beautifully done card. Love the flowers

Shelly said...

Oooh...Awesome, Isha!

~amy~ said...

Awesome video your card and the different panels you designed!

Jen W. said...

Oh dear, you're making me want all of these stencils! Your samples are gorgeous (I especially love the speckled polka dots) and your striped card is a stunner!

Donna Cala said...

Great video Isha. I especially love the iridescent paste over the beautiful colors you chose.