Thursday, February 5, 2015


Hello sweet friends, well this is what I was doing while coloring this image. Coloring is really fun and a great stress buster :)

I love this image by Penny Black! It is called Nature's Beauty. I used a mix of watercolors.

Joining in the challenge at Penny Black Simplicity blog: CAS

More in a while!


Penny Ward said...

Just gorgeous!

judkajudi said...

Love that stamp .. and your gorgeous art!!

Lisa Lara said...

Absolutely gorgeous Isha.

~amy~ said...

Isha, this is gorgeous!

Creations by Shirl said...

Oooh love that bird, simply gorgeous...

Celeste Goff said...

I love this!!!

Shelly said...

Gorgeous, Isha!

Lindsey said...

Beautiful watercolouring! Such a pretty card.