Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brown and...2 Challenges

Well here is a card I made for This challenge. I liked the title Brown and ...., so I took my favorite brown and vintage cream Paper from papertrey. Stamped Old letter writting on cream with some Antique linen distress ink and then distressed the edges with the same color. Next I embossed Starbrust stamp fro HA with clear embossing pad and dis the embossing with some red ep. Then I stamped the image again on another paper with pure poppy ink and cut the circle, adhered it to the embossed image with 3d pads. Put the cream paper to brown with 3d pads and brown to a cream card. I also used some chocolate brown ribbon to give the finishing touch....mmmm...yummy.

Supplies: Chocolate brown and vintage creampaper,Poppy red ink, brown satin ribbon( Papertrey ), HA stamps starbrust and old letter writing, Distress ink Antique linen
Here is a closeup to see the 3d effect of the center.
I also am posting this card for The Passion for Papertrey challenge here It's so very difficult to pick one color but this brown is too yummy and I can add all the yum (all the favorite) colors with it without any Hope I get time to play along this challenge more. Anyhow this is my first post there and I hope the DT like my card.


Aimes said...

Totally yummy! I love the layout of your card, that starburst is so bold and beautiful!
Thanks so much for joining in our challenge on A Passion for Papertrey!

Kate Lewis said...

What a gorgeous card! I love that medallion stamp - so striking! Thanks for joining our challenge! Kate x

Inkyfingers said...

What lovely cards. I really like the colours you used.

Ann said...

Gosh that medallion stamp is to die for! What a gorgeous card and you've used my favourite colour too!