Monday, July 19, 2010

Cards to share

Friends, this is my 2nd. post for today. As I wrote before, here are the cards I want to share. Now this card is a beauty and you all know her as queen of Dots....well guessed right...Kathy, you must visit her blog. Love the butterfly, its so vibrant, dont you agree!!!! She is kind enough to send me some SRM stickers to take part in  the contests. Thanks Kathy.
 Now the next card is from Jenny as part of July CCC which is organized by Deborah. Such a perfect card. It has this soft glitter all over which is difficult to show in the photo but looks so cool in real. Thanks Jenny. She also sent me some lovely crafting goodies, which I adore.

I hope you enjoyed these beauties....3rd. post coming

1 comment:

Monika Reeck said...

I have got that butterfly card from Kathy too and got the sticker too she is really a very kind woman dont you think dear...and nice card from Jenny..cute Images and lovely butterfly...