Thursday, May 17, 2012

Enjoy the Ride...

Hello my creative n talented friends!!! Today actually we have a holiday in Switzerland so I should normally wont be creating in my craft room but today its a different story all together. Hubby is preparing his papers and organizing his office work space before his MBA program starts...that means I am all alone with my is beautiful so my younger one created a picture frame with me n then was off to play with her friends. My elder daughter and myself created a few that:)

Today I created yet another interactive card...its a Flip-flop card. I used the inspiration from the current Embellish magazine Challenge.
I am also submitting it for the CAS challenge at Simon says challenge blog.

Supplies: Stamp (Practicing Creativity, Hero Arts); Inks (Jenny Bowlin, Memento); Bling; Fiskars punch, Nestabilities

Hope you like my creation. It was fun creating.Thanks for dropping by!!


Barb said...

Wow! Awesome card, Isha! Love your fun take on the photo!

Alice said...

such a fun card, Isha! love the stamped background!

alexandra s.m. said...

I love it!!
I can't imagine receiving such a card, a real gem Isha!!

Karen B. said...

You melt my heart by stamping up that set! Love seeing it in action. What a fun card and that it is interactive makes it even more fun!

Dawn T said...

Beautiful card Isha. I've seen a few of these type cards and always wondered how to do it. It looks awesome

Elizabeth Allan said...

Fun design Isha!

Ally said...

Liebe Isha, das ist aber ein tolles Kärtchen geworden! Tolle Fotoinspiration.
Herzliche Grüsse

Unknown said...

this is gorgeous! it's perfect :)

*Alison* said...

this is so fun! I really love the shape of this card.. and all the colors of bikes on the side..
Thanks so much for entering into the DT Call over at TAWS..This is going to be so hard to pick just one of you..
-owner of the Alley Way Stamps

debby4000 said...

Wonderful card, love the bike image and colours.

Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamps Challenge.



Shelly said...

What a cool card! I think I'm gonna have to start playing around with interactive cards?!!...Lovely work :)