Friday, June 1, 2012

Canine Friends

Hello friends!!! I am back again. Please click HERE for my Scraphouse challenge DT post.

Today I am going to share some cards using the newest Melania Deasy's digi called "Canine Friends"! Its releasing today.
Thanks Deasy for asking me to be part of the launch. I am so very honored and  enjoyed every moment of it.

This set has so many cute and adorable images. It also has lots of extra small images so you can really get creative. It was so much fun creating with these. So don't miss the opportunity to visit Melania Deasy's blog to get inspired by all the talented Girls!!

I will be back tomorrow with  some cards using another new Digi set...which is all about fairies...sweet huh!!!
Thanks for dropping by and leaving your love:)


Elizabeth Allan said...

A "tri-fecta" of cuteness!!

~amy~ said...

lovin' your card trio!

Rachel said...

so cute! i especially love the circle card with that big dopy dog, he's so cute :)

-Rachel w k

Dawn T said...

What a cute set of cards.