Thursday, March 7, 2013

Best Wishes

Here is another card I made for the Penny Black challenge. The theme is Renewal (to take a winter theme card and make a Spring theme card).

I took a card, which I made in December.

And made it to this:

I colored the pots using watercolor pencils and applied some stickles to incorporate the shine from the Christmas card. Love the transformation :)


April said...

I love the flower pots. Penny Black is one of my faves. April

Greta said...

Perfectly remade for Spring! Love both cards!

snappy scrappy said...

Love them both!!!Lee-Ann :)

Mary J said...

Lovely, Isha - bring on the Spring!!

Dawn T said...

Both are super cute. Love your spring take on your winter card.

Emily Leiphart said...

Wow, I love how the same concept can look so different. Your flowers make me wish for spring and your colouring is just amazing!

Monika Reeck said...

your best wishes card is WOOOOOW love the coloring so adorable dear...woooow...really...If I am sick and get your card I can smile and put it near my bed :) adorable card dear Isha