Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hambo: Ewe Are Special

Love this sentiment. Enough to make the receiver special :) It's time for the Hambo Hoedown Challenge and the theme is to incorporate Weaving of some kind to your project.

I used some Basic Grey off beat pattern paper from  my stash.I cut some strips of various paper and did some weaving. I really like the effect and its a great way to use up all those scrap strips too, that's an added Bonus...don't you think :)

I used this cute sheep by Hambo Stamp. I just love their stamps and sentiments. I colored the image with my copics and applied some fluff for the wool texture. Looks amazing.   

If you have never used these is the chance to win some. Trust me, you will love them.
Till later

Playing along at Simon Says Stamp challenge: Anything Goes

Supplies: Cardstock: (White) Neenah;  Pattern Paper: (Off beat) Basic Grey; Stamps: (Trophy Sheep, Ewe Are Special) Hambo Stamps; Inks: (Memento Black) Tsukineko, (walnut stain) Ranger Industries; Doodlebug flock; Copics, Tim Holtz Embossing folder

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So cute! The added fluffiness is great :-)