Sunday, March 10, 2013

Smooth Sailing

Hello Everyone!!!
I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday!!!! I finally got some cards done and am ready for the next week now.
I made this card for the current Hambo Hoedown challenge: the theme is Rainbow. If you never have tried these challenge, I would highly recommend that you try it once as I just love the fun images and sentiments by Hambo stamps and they really stamp so crisp. There is still time to play along.

Now just to share how versatile these stamps are, I created this mix media card using some newspaper, gesso, faber-castell aquarell pencils and gelatos.

Back to housework now :)
Till later!!


Lori said...

Oh this is such a fun card Isha, love it!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! Love the background and the mixed media use...beautiful!

Dawn T said...

Great use of mixed media Isha. The sail boat stamp looks awesome

Anonymous said...

So Cute! Love the rainbow of colors you used and I am way impressed with the mixed media aspect - do a tutorial!!

Judy Rozema said...

What a cool look this has, Isha! I love mixed media, and although I am not good at it, I surely like to look at it!

jintyoo7 said...

Marvelous, Isha :) Lovely, lovely colouring!

Shelly said...

WOW! This is such a FABULOUS card!! :)

Emily Leiphart said...

Gorgeous! I love the background. The colours just pop against it!

Stephanie said...

What a happy fun card, gorgeous image & gorgeous colouring :)

alexandra s.m. said...

This is absolutely amazing Isha!
Love it!

Monika Reeck said...

The Lila behind the main image is like a the effect...great card dear...