Wednesday, April 10, 2013

{Hambo} Egg-stra Special

It's Wednesday and that means it's time for the new challenge at the Hambo Hoedown Challenge blog. Today I am sharing a card, I made using Hambo Digi Stamp "Bird Egg" . The challenge is to incorporate "FEATHERS"...there are free digis on the blog for you to play with.

I colored the image using Copics, borrowed some feathers from my daughter and the card is ready. Isn't he the most cutest Bird

Hope you do play along with us as Hambo stamps have really fun and nice stamps, which you will love.


Hambo Hoedown said...

LOVE LOVE your coloring on this!! Such a bright and happy card~!


Shelly said...

Ha! This is just too cute! Love the feathers and your coloring is amazing!! Thanks for the 'smile'! ;)

Nat said...

such a fun card, love the feathers!!

Anonymous said...

This is great Isha - the coloring is fantastic and I love how it is sitting on the feathers!

alexandra s.m. said...

Your card always amaze me and make me laugh at the same time! Thanks Isha!!

yyam said...

Hehe...this is sooooo cute! Love the feathers! :)

Wildehilde said...

Hi Isha :-))
Wouwwwwww!!!!!Waouw!!!!!!!! Wouwwwwww!!!!!!! I love this Card!!!!!Great Job again Sweetie!!!!! Love your coloring!!!!!
Big Hugs

Emily Leiphart said...

LOL, I love how you used the feathers as a nest! This card gave me a big smile, Isha!

Sandy said...

Cute as punch sugar - love the feathers!!