Thursday, July 11, 2013

Watercolor Background Cards

Hello All!!!

Today, I am sharing some tips to create some backgrounds and stamping and coloring using Gelatos and Big brush Markers over at Faber-Castell Design Memory blog. I am pretty sure you will like the CAS cards I created. Check it out HERE.
Today I want to share how to create simple yet beautiful backgrounds and how to stamp and color using Gelatos® and Stamper’s Big Brush Pens.
I can say it again: the color code system by Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft® makes it easy to mix and match various products for the desired effect :)

I created two Clean and Simple cards for today.

Card 1:

This is how I created it:

For the background, I just scribbled some white PITT artist pen and Blue Big Brush Marker directly over my craft mat and misted with water using a mini mister. Then, I mixed the both colors using the back (the wooden tip) of a paint brush.

I then took a piece of watercolor paper and  put it directly over this droplets of color. After that, I just flipped the paper and there I have a beautiful marbled effect background. While I was at it, I created 2 of them (I used the other one for my 2nd card)
Now, I simply stamped the Poppy flower by Penny Black stamps onto my base.

 I then scribbled some of the Big Brush Pen and added a bit of water. Flicked some onto this panel. 

Onto another paper, I embossed the same image. Now I applied 2 shades of gelatos and rubbed them with my fingers to blend from light to dark. Then I used PITT markers add some depth and blended it with my finger just by tapping it a bit. These PITT broad markers blend beautifully over Gelatos. Now to give more life to the flowers, just add a dot of white artist pen over the area to highlight it and tap with the finger (Tip: White artist pen dries quicker than other pens, so always blend each stroke immediately )

  Fussy cut the flowers and adhere it over the stamped panel and stamp the sentiment.

Card: 2

I created the background same as above. Once my background was dry, I simply stamped it repeatedly using this beautiful Ikat stamp by Avery Elle. I used the Big Brush Marker to stamp. Just huff once after applying the ink to the stamp.

To finish just stamp the sentiment using black PITT big brush pen.

Card 1:
Gelatos® (Guava, Blood Orange, Pistachio)
Stamper’s Big Brush Pen (Greens, Black, Cobalt Turquoise, Pale Geranium Lake, White)
Stamp: Penny Black (Blooming Garden, Edge to Edge)

Card 2:
Stamper’s Big Brush Pen (Black, White, Cobalt Turquoise)
Stamp: Avery Elle (Ikat), Penny Black (Nature's wishes)

I used some stamps by Penny Black and Avery Elle for my creations. Thanks Piali/Anushka for the Ikat stamp. Love it :)


Piali said...

Pretty cards my talented friend!!

Bhawana said...

Isha loved the card... beautifully colored.

alexandra s.m. said...

off to see...
thanks Isha ;-)

Lindsey said...

You will not be surprised to hear that more Gelatos are near the top of my wish list! Beautiful work, Isha.

Avery Elle said...

These cards are so fun! Love them!