Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sup? Dude!!!

Here comes my 4th. card for the day!!!
Since, I had the colors and stamps out from my last card, I thought to create another one and this time color the pepper in 3 shades :) As I said before, I just love this  Paper Smooches Sparks inspiration photo. I also love the theme at Simon Says wednesday challenge

Isn't it GORGEOUS!!!
Here is what I created getting inspired by it. Ok!! my first thought was masking and inking but then I oped for the CAS look and something un-usual :) I colored the image using my Copic markers.

Cardstock: () Bazzill card shoppe; Stamps: (Vegtastic, He said, She said) Paper Smooches; Dies: (Stitched Mat rectangle) Lil' Inker Design; Ink: (Memento black, VersaMark) Tsukineko; Color: Copics; Embossing powder: (detail white) Hero Arts, (Rust) WOW 


Anushka said...

Awesome Blending!!! You really captured the inspiration pic!!

Dawn T said...

wow - super cute Isha.

Piali said...

WOW!!!! Awesome take on the inspiration challenge!!! Love this card!!

Lindsey said...

An ombre pepper... this may be a first, Isha! The stitched mat around the edge is just the right touch, too.

Jocelyn Olson said...

LOL!! Fourth card of the day? You're on a roll! Oh my goodness, I love the ombre pepper and the sentiment is a riot! Thanks for linking up with Paper Smooches SPARKS!

Wida said...

Oh my gosh I love this!!! Great coloring! Teach me!! Thanks for playing PSS!

Lorraine A said...

fabulous card Isha :-) I love the photo inspiration and your interpretation is FAB ! ,, super cute :-)

thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Lols x x x

debby4000 said...

Oh this is fabulous and what brilliant job using the photo has inspiration.

Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp challenge.


Savannah O'Gwynn said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this! I LOVE how you've colored that pepper to look like the sunset! LOVE his orange speech bubble! FAB!! <3
THANKS so much for playing along with us over at the Paper Smooches SPARKS Picture Perfect challenge <3 ps... super sorry about being late in leaving my comment! Hope you will join in the fun again soon!!!