Monday, September 22, 2014

Creative Blog Hop

Happy Monday everyone!! Today, I am participating in this fun hop. My sweet and very talented friend Shelly tagged me in her post HERE. This hop is "Unique" as we have to share a bit about ourselves and then tag other talented and creative friends and then the next Monday they carry it forward. So, first I want to thank Shelly for thinking about me. You must check her blog as she really creates amazing CAS stuff. I also want to thank my friend Savannah for asking me but I had to say no to her as both these hops were on the same day:)

So here we go:

What am I working on?

Hmmm!! Where do I start. Actually, I was having back pain for last 10 days, so I could not do much of my DT work. I am just finishing all my pending DT work and creating a few cards for the magazine submission :). I am making a project for Imagine Crafts/ Tsukinko, just LOVE their inks and products. I have an un-finished project for Crafter's Companion, I love the various styles of stamps and stuff they provide :) Hmmm!! my love for cutesie as I have another in making card for Lawnscaping and I am using my Lawn Fawn Also, my husband and me are sorting out our photographs and other computer stuff, so I can make layouts for my daughters and  I have a couple of craft video ideas all planned out :)

How does my work differ from others of it's genre?

This is a difficult question for me as I still don't know what my style is? Although my friends tell me they know it's my creation whenever I post something. They tell me my style is CAS and cute but with artsy feel. I also love to color and create mixed media.
I love to create fun, cheerful and bright projects with plenty of details as it makes me happy. I love colors and that shows in my creations. So, I can't say exactly what make my work different :)
Here are a few examples of my work:

Why do I write/create what I do?

This is simple :) I create because it makes me happy. I love stamps, inks and colors. Coloring is like a therapy for me. I forget everything, while doing
I always wanted to be a doctor, so I studied Biology, chemistry and physics in University and my files use to have the best drawings in the class. I always was creative but this never turned to a hobby until recently. My notebooks had doodles on each n every page. Now that I think of gives me a big smile:)
The biggest satisfaction of making cards now is, the smile it gives to the recipient. I am trying to make scrapbook pages too as my daughters want me to make their albums and gift them when they leave home :)

How does your writing/creative process work?

Now this varies from time to time. Normally, whenever I sit to create, I have to have a basic idea depending on what i am working on. If, I want to do a technique or if I want to showcase a stamp or if I want to color. Then I pick my products accordingly and it all comes together somehow.
Other times, when I have to work with a particular product,  I just go with the flow but I always do need kind of a basic plan first :)

There you go, that's a little bit about me. I hope you get to know me a bit more. 

HERE is Shelly's post from last Monday and these are my 2 amazing friends I want to tag.

Besides being sweet and helpful person Piali from "Touch of Creation" is super talented. She can do so many styles with such an ease. She keeps up with trends. Everytime I see her creations, there is always something new and interesting in the way she plays with pattern papers, embellishments and colors. Oh and not just cards, she makes beautiful Scrapbook pages too :)

and then there is Laurel from "Paper Crafts by Laurel". She is another super sweet and helpful person, I met her through blog land. She is so very talented and I love watching her videos, which are full of information. She makes mixed media look so simple and fun. I really enjoy how she incorporates techniques and colors to her projects. I am so happy to be with her in two teams

Thank you for being there till the end. I am looking forward to check Piali's and Laurel's post next week :)


Laurel Beard said...

This is so fun Isha! I LOVE getting to know you better and thank you so much for tagging me!!! I loved the cards you posted here too as they are some of my favorite work from you! XOXO

Carisa said...

Love this! It was fun getting to know you better - I love your style even though I couldn't call it one specific genere either. I think that is what I love about it that you take on many different techniques and styles.

donna mikasa said...

Great post, Isha! Love learning more about you and seeing your creative, colorful cards, too! You rock!

Dawn T said...

fabulous to learn a bit more about your creative process Isha.

Shelly said...

Loved reading more about you, Isha! Your work is always amazing! And sounds like fun making albums for when your daughters leave home...though, they grow up way too quick, don't you think?! ;) Thanks again for joining in on the fun!