Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Doily Peacock....

Hello friends...
I saw this challenge at Create blog and actually I was thinking of participating for quite some time now. I went through my stash of Scraps cos I have plenty of it and the challenge at wee memories gives the perfect opportunity to use them.
 Supplies: Stamp Hero Arts, Ranger distress ink, Paper from Migros

So to start with I used this Doily, sent to me by my lovely friend Agata. I then drew the Peacock body on a scrap of paper, colored it with some blue n green and put some stickles. I colored the Doily with distress inks and then some stickles, made the beak with a red scrap piece. I embossed my white paper with swiss dots embossing folder and used the debossed side. Then distressed the edges and stitched all around. After that adhered the Doily to it and the peacock body with 3D foam. For the blue paper, I used Hero arts background stamp and stamped it with Broken China distress ink. To finish some bling, green thread and button.


Unknown said...

Genius Idea= Doily for the feathers! Thanks for playing at Wee Memories this week.

Banu said...

WOW..what a creative card. Loved the idea of Doily for feathers. This reminded me of one of those old copper decorative plates we used to get in India. Just awesome.

Monika Reeck said...

wooow this is soo cuute....I hope your card will be posting also on CREATE blog Isha and tell me if it is ok...this is really creative idea Isha...(I like to write a lot of words if I give comment to show how much I love my friends work) and this is really genius :)

Virginia L. said...

Yipee yay yay!! How brilliant to use the doily as the peacock tail! Congrats on being featured in CREATE blog! Way to go, Isha!! So happy for you!

Cristina said...

Just saw your card on the CREATE blog. It's genius!

Laurel said...

I love this! Great use of a doily!
Thanks so much for playing at Wee Memories.

Ujjwal said...

This is so creative!! I could never have thought turning a doily into a beautiful peacock :)